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Privacy Notice

Test and Tag Supplies Pty Ltd is committed to protecting your personal information and privacy. We will always ensure that our customers information is stored securely without public access. It is not sold, shared or rented to any other person(s) or business without our customers consent.

By contacting us you give us consent to retain your information for contact purposes unless requested otherwise. We will always seek our customers approval before providing data to third parties.

We reserve the right to forward customer contact details on to suppliers of Test and Tag Supplies Pty Ltd when it nessasry to do so in order to fulfil a demonstration requested by a customer or to complete a customer purchase.

From time to time we may send out communications to our customers, informing them of new product and services which may be of interest to them. We will only ever send information which we believe will be both of interest and relevant.

Our customers may opt-out of customer communications at any given point by contacting us either by phone, email or by writing to us.

We're serious about Internet security and use 256 bit encryption technology and secure servers to ensure our customers data is safe. Click on the logo below for more details.
We reserve the right to share customer details with credit agencies where a credit terms are agreed with us.

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